In February 1993 a small ad appeared in the free Press and the Mirror asking for quilters to meet on March 3 at Georgian Manor to talk about forming a Quilting Guild. Approximately 50 quilters of all abilities attended and from that first meeting, the Georgian Bay Quilters Guild was formed. At their first official meeting, March 24, the executive was voted in with Sue Hopkinson as its first President.

Their first project – a block of the month. Not shy were these founders!

From the first newsletter, the members were asked to bring their own cups to avoid the use of Styrofoam – and we thought this was a new concept. What did they want to see in the newsletter – was it notices of quilt shows, competitions, awards or quilt shops and suppliers, an exchange column, book reviews, projects. Just remember it is “YOUR newsletter”.

The membership fee was $20 to be paid in cash until such time as a bank account could be set up. From these not so humble beginnings our Guild was born.